Happy World Honey Bee Day

World Honey Bee Day is celebrated every third Saturday in August which means it’s coming soon! This day celebrates the importance of honey bees and raises awareness about the challenges they face in our ecosystem. At Fannin Tree Farm, we value the impact these flying insects make on some of our favorite flowering trees and can’t wait to share more about honey bees with you.

For centuries, honey has been used to sweeten various foods and the practice of beekeeping began spreading during early Egyptian civilization. World Honey Bee Day, which was first held in 2009, promotes conservation efforts, sustainable practices, beekeeping, and planting bee-friendly trees to support pollinators. With over 20,000 different species of bees around the world, honey bees offer incredible contributions to our environment and food supply. Bees and other pollinators rank at the top of the list of pollinators, helping produce many important fruits and vegetables. However, they face significant challenges, including habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, and diseases. These threats can negatively impact both bee populations and tree pollination. In many areas, parasites and a lack of forage are also threatening bee health and survival.

Trees and flowers are a critical source of forage for bees, providing nutrient-rich pollen and nectar that bees use for food and to make honey. Flowering trees provide bees with ample and stable amounts of nectar and pollen, plus shade and shelter from the wind. Bees can even make a honey-like substance from the sap of non-flowering trees, including pine trees. Many species of wild bees live inside trees and in return, bees provide much-needed pollination services, especially for fruit trees. One of the many things you can do for these pollinators is to plant flowering trees around your home or business.

Check out the list of pollinator-friendly trees Fannin has at our farm in Frisco, Texas.


Desert Willow

Southern Magnolia

Crepe Myrtles

For more information on our trees please call us at 972-747-9233 or visit our website at www.FanninTreeFarm.com. For more information on World Honey Bee Day, check out these great websites below!