It is November here in North Texas, which means it is time to enjoy the cool autumn air, grab a steaming cup of cider or pumpkin spiced anything and start ushering in the holidays. While November officially marks the beginning of the holiday season, it also brings with it the perfect opportunity to plant a beautiful Fannin tree. Contrary to popular belief, fall, not spring, is the perfect time to buy a new tree for a number of reasons.
When it comes to trees, spring is the time for new growth, and fall is the ideal time for planting. The soil conditions from autumn rain and cooler air provide the perfect planting environment, allowing trees’ root systems to acclimate to their new surroundings as they head into dormancy and before they wake up for spring growth.
It’s not too late; there is still time to select the perfect tree for your home and give it a head start that will foster healthy growth in the spring. Come by our tree farm, browse our extensive inventory and select your very own Fannin tree today!
Fall colors are shining bright here at Fannin Tree Farm, and to enjoy these colors at your own home, consider the Chinese Pistache Tree (Pictured). It is a great tree for stunning fall foliage! Come by and take a look at our selection.