Koi Pond Oasis: Carol and Kenneth B., Plano, TX
There is no doubt that Fannin Tree Farm has amazing customers with some pretty cool hobbies and outdoor spaces.
One of our favorites is Carol and Kenneth B, of Plano, Texas. They have the most amazing backyard Koi ponds I have ever seen! In 2005, they were needing shade for their pond because their canopy was no longer working for the space. They came in and bought three Chinese Pistache Trees and returned in 2018 to add another to a newly-designed part of their yard.
That is when I got the chance to meet them and learn more about their passion for their Koi pond and fish. Their Koi pond was featured on the cover of KOI USA Magazine in their May/June 2019 issue, along with a multi-page spread, complete with Fannin Trees. Their Koi pond is over 15 years old, yet they’ve their oldest koi fish is 16 years old! They bought it as a baby and raised it indoors until it was big enough to go in the pond.
They have been so happy with our service that they have asked Fannin Tree Farm to speak at the North Texas Water Garden Society in October. The topic will be on trees for shade and décor, best practices for care and maintenance of trees, and a general Q&A. We will also be doing a giveaway! Whether you have a water garden or not, everyone is invited to attend on October 8th @ 7:30 pm. You can join us at TD Industries, Inc. 13850 Diplomat Dr. Dallas, Texas 75234. You can find more information here. We would love to see you out there and share some tree tips!
If you are looking for the perfect shade tree call us at 972-747-9233 and let one of our North Texas tree experts help you – Koi pond or not!